
Photo Story: Behind the scenes of SLC

This is Irene Reed, one of the new student employment workers. Peeta Talavera is our new volunteering coordinator. And I believe she has been on the team and at the college for a term. This is the former Rocky, Tim Cruse, and he has been here for about 7 years now. He is now currently just a office worker in the student helping the office stay clean and helping us out still as well. This is Travis Overvig, and he has been in the team for a term, being the new vice president. I think he's been at the college for less than a year. This guy, Gage Lund, has been a student at the college for a year or two, but become one of the new 4 or 5 event planners of the team. Krystal Overvig, still helping with the SLC and I think still doing the student outreach connector. Been at the college for a couple of years now. One of the former 3 Rockys on the team being a handler for one of the new Rockys.  By the way, for each of the assigned Rockys, one of the other Rockys that aren't the mascot ...

Around Town (2)


Photographers Choice-Hot dogs in Courtyard

The culinary students that served during this day were  Kamal Lewis, Jorge Gonzalez, Blue Olin, Isaac Martinez, Harriet Riebold, Connor Baird, and Garrett Boren. May 25(Thursday), 2023 from 11-1pm Culinary Students were barbecuing some hot dogs for lunch hosted at the front of RoastRunners in Willamette Hall on LBCC's Albany Campus.

Rachel Biscoe Portrait

  The new Student President, Rachel Biscoe  Been a student for about two years now, was from Philomath, OR and majoring in Human Development Family Scineces

On campus

Photos of both inside the campus buildings and some outside in the entrance way  

On the job

Navigators doing their job and helping students out on campus grounds One of them being Carlena Weeks  


One of the places kind of busy in downtown Albany is a place called Hasty Freez, a place where you can get ice cream and other cool and cold tasty treats. Its on 7th Avenue and Lyon Street, so just barely into the entrance of Downtown Albany. Photo was taken on  April 30, 2023 at 11:08 AM. This was taken last week at the reference desk in the LBCC library, May 12, 2023 at noon. On the left we have Spencer Weatherly speaking with Douglas Hambley on the right. Both Douglas and Spencer are both people in the LB Film Club, but still a student getting help from faculty member from the library. This is a park that is on Oak Street, next to Lowe's called Kinder Park and this was taken place on May 17, 2023 at 6:08 PM. There is a playground structure where kids could play on, families to have fun and relax. But in this photo, on this day the kids were doing a relay race.